Im going to try and start using my website and social media platforms more. I’m getting tired of reading stupid people on facebook and twitter. I’ll write and rant my opinions here and if people choose to come read it they may.
I haven’t really used my youtube channel in many years. I need to upload some videos, I just don’t have any ideas.
Periscope is cool when I use it. Mostly to watch kids soccer games back and forth between my wife and me.
Snapchat just seems to be for silliness. It’s ok I guess. But what is the point if your story goes away after 24 hours and there are no analytics, or your audience was busy/gone for the day.
Twitter is by far the best platform. My favorite of any.
Facebook has the most people showing their butts. Stupid opinions fly in the face of logic everyday. It’s just the easist platform to stay in contact with everyone, because odds are most people have it. Although I’m about to be done with it.
WordPress is still great and my blogging platform of choice. When i write something good, i’ve gotten over a thousand hits in over a weekend vs my normal 4 hits a month.
Instagram is just a less busy twitter.
IF is great for cross posting to all your accounts.
Google+ can anyone say myspace 2.0?
I’m thinking of starting an email list. I dunno. We will see. That’s all for now.